Fungtion Google Webmaster tools and Google Analytics
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Google Webmaster tools allows you to submit sitemap of your site and give you stats about how your site is being crawl by the Google. It gives you the insights of your site. It tells you URLs with crawling errors, any malicious code, how crawler sees your robots.txt file, words in links to your site, what searches are related to your site, it gives a list of links to your site, etc.
Google Analytics tell you about your visitors and the traffic patterns on your site. It gives you a java code which you've to insert in all your webpages. It tell you about how much traffic are you getting, how many visits, visitors, goal conversions, from which country, keywords and web pages are you getting traffic and many more.
How to use Google Analytics: A powerful tool
The biggest thing to happen in the Internet era is Google, its techniques and styles have grabbed hearts all over the globe. It would be unwise on your part, if your business opportunities don’t use this powerful tool to their benefit. Using the right tool in the right way is the key towards achieving Return on investment (ROI). What’s more? Google can also be used as a powerful Web marketing tool. Well, your web-marketing tactics require the efficient use of search engine optimization (SEO), in order to achieve desired marketing result. The best tool to do this is Google.
Google Analytics tell you about your visitors and the traffic patterns on your site. It gives you a java code which you've to insert in all your webpages. It tell you about how much traffic are you getting, how many visits, visitors, goal conversions, from which country, keywords and web pages are you getting traffic and many more.
How to use Google Analytics: A powerful tool
The biggest thing to happen in the Internet era is Google, its techniques and styles have grabbed hearts all over the globe. It would be unwise on your part, if your business opportunities don’t use this powerful tool to their benefit. Using the right tool in the right way is the key towards achieving Return on investment (ROI). What’s more? Google can also be used as a powerful Web marketing tool. Well, your web-marketing tactics require the efficient use of search engine optimization (SEO), in order to achieve desired marketing result. The best tool to do this is Google.
Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool that allows tracking of website traffic and data. It will give you information over visitor interactions and also convey feedbacks, on how you can develop it further. Google being such a powerful Analytics tool, it is vital that such a tool is utilized to increase traffic and make the most of your sales conversions.
Let’s look at some of the ways in which one can use Google Analytics in an efficient way:
At Business Rise, we can help to achieve best of web marketing tactics by using Google Analytics. Use our services to get immaculate results.

More interesting is the help section and discussion boards for members. Webmasters from all over the world gather to use Google’s powerful tools. There is a lot of information to learn from professionals, and there’s no easier way to connect!
You may also consider researching into some Blogger accounts. Many web developers will share code snippits and tutorials on their blogs. Google has a detailed search for Blogger profiles and posts related to keywords. Check out this webmaster essentials FAQ for more details.
Let’s look at some of the ways in which one can use Google Analytics in an efficient way:
- Setting Up: In order to complete the registration process, one need’s to have a Google account, after registering, just attach the tracking code on your website.
- Set targets: By setting targets, one gets estimation on how successful they are in directing traffic to the desired websites.
- Application of Funnels: In order to improve conversion rates of visitors, one needs to keep count on the lost visitors count by creating funnels.
- Usage of reporter function: Google Analytics allows users to see visitor trends, loyalty and their interactions. Use these reports to learn more and make changes accordingly.
- Usage of Split testing: Yet another powerful tool within Google Analytics that allows users to monitor their websites. Constant usage of split testing provides the webmasters with better knowledge and understanding, ultimately resulting in improvements over their websites.
- Comparing: Google Analytics allows you to compare data as well as previous records, compare these data’s and make changes accordingly.
- Additional User: Your website can be set up in a way that it can be tracked by others. This allows you to concentrate upon improvements that can make upon your site. Though for this, you have to create another user account.
At Business Rise, we can help to achieve best of web marketing tactics by using Google Analytics. Use our services to get immaculate results.
Google Webmaster’s Tools
Located at Webmaster’s Central are all the tools any web designer/developer would need. You can gather analytics data and compare graphs with many of your own websites. This also applies to services tied into Google’s roster such as AdSense and Feedburner.
More interesting is the help section and discussion boards for members. Webmasters from all over the world gather to use Google’s powerful tools. There is a lot of information to learn from professionals, and there’s no easier way to connect!
You may also consider researching into some Blogger accounts. Many web developers will share code snippits and tutorials on their blogs. Google has a detailed search for Blogger profiles and posts related to keywords. Check out this webmaster essentials FAQ for more details.
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